Tuesday, April 29, 2014

DJ Good Lip Lake Wedding

Good lip Lake wedding Paderborn. Recently, I was booked as a DJ Paderborn on a wedding. After I a week previously had applied Western Hotels 'Arosa' in the Paderborn city centre at a wedding party in the very chic ambience of the best, this celebration in the very chic"lip Lake" took place. As a disc jockey, I've already musically accompanied numerous german Russian weddings, so the so-called Swadbas, and experienced always atmospheric festivals with all sorts of promotions and games. This wedding in Paderborn promised also very special to be, because it was a Russian Portuguese German wedding - the bride's family originates from Portugal, the groom's from Russia. Since it was very rainy and cold, this time of year not unusual, wedding guests and the bride and groom arrived about an hour earlier than planned at the wedding location on the lip of Lake. Therefore, establishing my DJ equipment was not yet completed, but was on its last legs. It should be a real great wedding celebration with many highlights. She started of course with the champagne reception and gift passing score on the bride and groom. The planned actions should take place then postponed until after dinner, but now an hour was longer, more was started. Four friends of the wedding couple (among them the brother of the bride) extravagantly dressed up and were then backwards on provided chairs, which were hidden was placed behind a stretched sheet. Then, they put their heads through four prepared holes in the sheets and first performed a song of the Bläck Fööss - a cover version of by Grönemeyer's "Men". The show was class, the crowd was enthusiastic and there was yet a song afterwards. This time with the comedian Harmonists "I want ´ I'm a chicken". The four were rewarded with frenetic applause and the bride and groom of course thanked for this great contribution. A short time later the soup was served and then the groom gave his speech and opened the buffet. Buffet in the lip sea Paderborn About 50 guests made it munden is because it tasted great as I could determine. The time between the removal of the buffet and the construction of the desserts was shortened with witty picture frame photos, for which guests and the bride and groom also attracted funny panels. Then, the Ehrentanz should actually follow. I moderated to, but the bride waved him off and said her shoe was stolen. A popular tradition at Russian Weddings is the theft of the upper. The groom must buy now again the shoe the kidnappers. Because he has no money but, can the guests help him and provided liquor to buy. Here in Paderborn it happened now, that there was still an extra motivation. Who paid 5 euro for the liquor, a pair of witnesses was allowed to make a task. Who gave 10,-euro, commissioned 2 pairs of groomsmen and who paid even 20,-euro, had the pleasure to see the groom in action. Upper theft at wedding Of course were equal to the first 10,-euro and the couple had to dance a tango. The next 10 resulted in an ambitious strip of the male witnesses. Finally, the bride and groom danced a self invented cancer dance the Gangnam-style and the groom. Cancer dance in Paderborn Even in Kalinka followed yet and it was right mood and of course BB´s gave back the upper. For the bride and groom before the first dance is still a little bit could recover, was introduced by means of the reduction of the shirt on the essence of the bride now per lecture in the art of ironing. Now it was time to start the dance but really. In the circle of family and friends, the two began with a slow Waltz. For something over a minute I broke off all of a sudden the song and the two bought a fleet sole "Do you love me" from dirty dancing to BB´s parquet. A nice contrast to the slow Waltz. Finally, I stopped even this title with a scratch pad and it began again the waltz, which I then asked everyone on the dance floor. Polonaise in Paderborn Then was left out celebrated and danced to current matters ("Scream & shout", "she makes me go", hits from the 90s ("It BB´s my life", "Saturday Night", "Macarena"), salsa titles such as dirty dancing 2 ("represent, Cuba") and there were the party classics with Polonaise, chicken dance Sirtaki.) Sirtaki in Paderborn The Gangnam-style, even the father of the bride put a fleet sole on the parquet. Gangnam-style in the lip Lake Of course, I played a slew of Russian songs, which were especially for the older guests very well. "Rozi Kosutnjak" is mentioned here. The time just flew by in the air and then it was time for the wedding cake, which was peppered with sparklers, pushed by the very careful and friendly service of good lip Lake in the Hall. Wedding cake After the cake was cut by the two lucky bride and groom, everyone could use and there were also tasty Curry sausage. Dancing under the umbrella, the bride and groom were presented by a witness followed the small break. They danced and the guests formed a circle around the two back and threw at them luck-bringing streamers, until they were hard to see. I had already experienced a similar action as a DJ in Kassel and a stag party in Bremerhaven, where wool had however been thrown. Dance under the umbrella Then were asked the guests outside, because there should be some fireworks. Back in the room the highlights of this eventful day continued. There was the great live singing of a duo. Accompanied by the guitar they sang among others "hold on to me" by gunslinger. Live singing in Paderborn A successful wedding night was a complete circle to end in the middle of which was a heart of candles burning initials of the wedding couple. To do so I played quiet songs "Sierra Madré" and "Hallelujah". Fire heart After the removal of my DJ equipment, which didn't take long because of short routes, I went on the way after confused Germany near Hanover to take a cap full of sleep for me, because as DJ Hanover, bride and groom - visits in the Lower Saxony State capital and in Celle on me waited for the next day. But to do so more in another blog at another time, Sincerely DJ

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